SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (2025)

Okay folks, this is my 1st sales thread, so I'll try to keep things simple and as easy to navigate as possible. I need to get rid of a number of books I just have lying around and taking up space in my boxes, so I thought I give fellow boardies here 1st crack at them. Since I want to move them relatively fast I priced most below (some well below) current market value to get them sold quickly.

Basic rules:

1.) SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (1) in this thread or PM is are both fine, though fair warning, PLEASE put a SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (2) in this thread so others will know if you already PM me and have taken books - if books haven't already been claimed. This way everything is streamlined and it's just basic courtesy to others who might also want the same books to know if books are/are not still available.

2.) I currently only take Paypal at the moment. I will start invoice people on either Tues/Wed night EST and if payment is received within 48 hours, books will ship either Fri or Saturday. Though I will give people up to 5 days to pay for books. Please PM me if you need an extension as I'm amendable if situation warrants it.

3.) Shipping will be 6$ for up to 7-8 books (in sturdy comic cardboard mailer with bubble wrap then put into USPS padded envelope) and then 13$ for 8+ books (mailed in USPS medium flat rate box). To make it sweeter, if you buy 20+ books or more, I'll take off 5$ off shipping.

I only ship to US/Canada at the moment, so please keep that in mind.

Lastly, outside of the Silver Age Batman and higher price tag books I won't be putting up pictures (but will let you know grades). BUT if you would like them, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to post scanned pics of front/back of the books you want to take a look at.

In terms of grades, I tend to be a bit conservative and grade down. But like I said above, if people want to self-grade themselves on specific books you want, let me know! I'm always willing to help SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (3)

All books are bagged and boarded, most in mylar and half backs or fullbacks and will ship as such.

So on to the BOOKS!! SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (4)


Comic Title: Issue: Condition Price

Adventures of Superman #500 (white polybag) NM 3.50$

Amazing Spider-man #225 FN-VF 3$

Avengers vs X-men Round 8 (Beast Variant) NM 2$

Avengers vs X-men Round 9 (1:25 Variant) NM 2$

Avengers vs X-men Round 9 (Daredevil Variant) NM 2$

Avengers vs X-men Round 10 (Spider-woman V.) NM 2$

Avengers vs X-men Round 12 (Variant) NM 2$

Batman #243 VG-FN 6$

Batman #457 VF 1.50$

Batman Mr. Freeze (Paul Dini) Prestige Format VF 3$

Big Hero 6 #3 FN-VF 7.50$

Big Hero 6 #4 FN-VF 7.50$

Darkhawk #8 (Newstand) FN-VF 2.50$

Detective Comics #471 VF-NM 18$

Detective Comics #475 (Joker fish clock cover) FN 15$

Detective Comics (Harley Quinn cover) #831 NM 5$

Gotham City Sirens #8 FN-VF 3$

Gotham City Sirens #14 FN-VF 3$

Gotham City Sirens #15 NM 6$

The Joker’s Asylum: The Joker #1 VF-NM 2.50$

New Suicide Squad #1 (holo cover one-shot) NM 4.50$

Rat Queens #7 NM 3$

Suicide Squad (New 52) #17 VF-NM 2$

Superman Unconventional Warfare TPB/Squarebound NM 2$


1$ books: Issue: Condition

All New X-men #4 FN

All New X-men #6 FN

All New X-men #7 VF

Archer and Armstrong (Valiant) #1 (2 different versions) VF-NM

Artifacts #13 (Comic Pro Variant) NM

Avengers #9

Avengers vs X-men Round 9 NM America’s Got Powers #1 NM

Astonishing X-men #50 NM

Astonishing X-men Xenogenesis #2 NM

Battle Beasts PX Previews/SDCC Exc. VF

Batman Jekyll and Hyde #6 (of 6) VF-NM

Before Watchmen Nite Owl #1 NM

Before Watchmen Comedian #1 NM

Before Watchmen MInutemen #1 NM

Blood Syndicate (DC) Collector’s edition NM

Bloodshot (Valiant) #1 (2 different versions) NM

Bloodshot (Valiant) #2 NM

Bleeding Cool (Valiant) #0 (June 2012) NM

Captain America (Brubaker, Zircher, etc.) #14 NM

Captain America (Brubaker, Zircher, etc.) #15 NM

Captain America (Brubaker, Zircher, etc.) #17 NM

Conan the Barbarian #174 VF

Cyberforce #4A VF-NM

Daredevil #207 FN

Daredevil #317 FN-VF

Daredevil #342 VG

Daredevil (Man without Fear/Brubaker) #109 VF

Darkhawk #17 FN-VF

Darkhawk #23 VF

Darkhawk #24 VF

Deadpool (2013) #1 VF

Deadpool (2013) #7 VF

Desolation Jones #1 FN-VF

Desolation Jones #2 FN-VF

Doom 2099 #1 NM

Finding Gossamyr #2 VF

Gambit and Bishop Sons of the Atom #2 VF

Guardians of the Galaxy 1993 Annual (w/ card) VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #19 FN-VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #21 FN-VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #23 VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #28 FN-VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #29 FN-VF

Guardians of the Galaxy #46 FN-VF

House of Mystery #2 VG-FN

I, Vampire #1 NM

Incredible Hulk #300 FN

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine mini series #1 FN-VF

Low (Image) #1 FN

Marvel Double Feature #2 FN-VF

Marvel Double Feature #3 FN-VF

Marvel Double Feature #15 FN-VF

Marvel Double Feature #16 VF

Marvel Team-Up #89 VG-FN

New Mutants #51 FN-VF

New Mutants #53 FN-VF

New Mutants #54 FN-VF

New Mutants #55 VF

New Mutants #57 VF

New Mutants #59 FN-VF

New Mutants #61 FN-VF

New Mutants #79 FN-VF

New Mutants #87 2nd printing VG

Nowhere Men #5 FN

Popeye (IDW) #2 VF-NM

Punisher Stalk Spider-man #33 PR-VG

The Spider (Dynamite) #3 VF

Sandman Dream Hunters (Vertigo) --- VF

Sandman Presents the Tessaland #2 VF

Savage World of Skaar #1 One-Shot VF-NM

Siege The Cabal #1 One-Shot VF

Soldiers of Victory (DC) JH Williams III #0 FN

Spider-man #13 (McFarlene) PR-VG

Spider-man #33 PR-VG

Spider-man #42 PR-VG

Swamp Thing (DC Vertigo) #153 VF-NM

Tales from Beyond (Image) #Book 4 NM

TMNT Adv. (Archie) #8 VG

The Ultimates #16 VF

Uncanny X-men (Bendis run) #2 NM

Uncanny X-men (Bendis run) #3 FN

Uncanny X-men (Gillen, Pacheco, etc) #20 NM

Vampirella (John Smith, Mike Mayhew) ----- VF

War of Kings (Marvel) #2 VF-NM

War of Kings Ascension (Marvel) #1 Variant Edition FN

Warriors of the Plasm (Defiant) #5 VF-NM

Weapon X First Class (Marvel) #1 (of 3) NM

Web of Spider-man #103 VG-FN

What If… (Marvel) #15 VG

What If… (Marvel) #20 VG

What If… (Marvel) #24 FN-VF

What If… (Marvel) #26 VG

What If… (Marvel) #38 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #39 x2 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #40 FN-VF

What If… (Marvel) #41 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #43 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #45 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #46 VF-NM

What If… (Marvel) #101 VF-NM

X-club #2 (of 5) NM

X-force #4 FN-VF

X-men (Girchler, Molina, etc.) #25 NM

X-men (Girchler, Conrad, etc.) #28 NM

X-men (Wood, Lopez, Rosenberg, etc.) #32 NM

X-men (Wood, Lopez, etc.) #35 NM

X-men (Wood, Lopez, Rosenberg, etc.) #37 NM


Bad Medicine #1-2 VF 1$

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #16-20 (VENOM arc) NM 9$

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #6-10, 85, 91-93, 98, 99 VF-NM 5$

The Changing Man #32, 42 VF-NM 2$

The Crusades (Vertigo) #3, 4, 7, 11, 15-20 VF-NM 2$

Doom Patrol (DC) #40, 43, 48, 49, 52, 66

68, 69, 70-76 VF 8$

Father and Son #1-4 VF-NM 1$

Five Weapons (Image) #1-3 (2x for #1) NM 2$

Hulk (Parker, Zircher, Rosenberg) #42, 43, 45, 48, 51-53 VG-VF 2$

Hunter: The Age of Magic #1-3, 14, 19 FN-NM 3$

Jack Avarice is the Courier #1-5 NM 2$

Kid Eternity (Vertigo) #1-6, 16 FN-NM 3$

Preacher #59-62 VF-NM 12$

Watchmen (1986 – 1st prints) #1-8, 10-12 (only missing #9) VG-NM 22$

SA 12cent Batman Readers, Harley Quinn, Big Hero 6, and hundreds of 1$ books!! (2025)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.